Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Blankie

Yes I have a blankie.
When I got sick I found that I can't put my feet on the bed as they hurt too much( and still do) so I have a hard time sleeping.

I found that by putting this blanket on the bed and the laying on top it was really soft on my wounds and then I could sleep a little.

I can't sleep without it (pathetic hey but it works)

Well due to all the washing of my blankie it started to fray on one side.

I started to panic I didn't one another one I wanted this one.OMG I sound crazy.

So I went to Lincraft and bought this material (bad photo but the print  it is pansies ) Then I sewed the sides with the fabric  but my poor sewing machine was huffing and puffing -well I am craping on a bit here  but the machine did just manage to finish it.

So now my blankie and me are happy again. 
 Yes Kevin deserves a medal to put up with me ha ha

dee x

1 comment:

  1. It just goes to show that we never really grow up, we still need some comfort & if it gives you peace & less hurt then I'm all for it Mum xxx


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Dee x