Sunday, May 5, 2013

New Shoes

I am a big fan of  Osh Kosh shoes. The LM has been wearing them since he could walk.

He has never worn out a pair his feet have just grown out .

Kerry keeps saying to get him a pair of "Vans"  first of all I never knew what she was talking about and secondly I have never seen a pair.

Well it was time for a new pair of shoes so I got him a pair of black Vans. I gotta say he looks really cute (that's probably not the word I should call him now that he is "5")....

So there you go  no more Osh Kosh  we are Vans people now.Lets hope that for $60 a pair they last like the others did my guess is that they will be fine and that he will just outgrow these before he has a chance to out wear them..

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Dee x